Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Bit More about Baltimore

Our Baltimore experience continued with a visit to the Mt. Vernon neighborhood, home of the Peabody Institute of Music and the Walters Art Museum.

Along the way we saw some Baltimore police.

These cops did not resemble Kima, McNulty or Bunk. Can you picture any of them on horseback? Or Landsman?

We also saw a statue of Lafayette, a very elegant horseman.

The Walters is a free museum, so we stuffed spare dollar bills into the donation box. It was established by the Walters father and son and is lovely.

Self Portrait (1929)

We saw an exhibit of paintings by Herman Maril, a Baltimore artist (1908-1986), whose paintings reminded me of of a combination of WPA era style and Georgia O'Keefe.

Or maybe Georgia O'Keefe is a WPA style painter. Maybe some art history students can help me with this issue.

Art museums can be a tonic for what ails you.

In our case it took our minds off leaving our son at school, although we did see some sculptures that reflected our sad empty nest feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that your nephew has been talking about going to Peabody since he was in 4th grade?
